Which Vitamin B Is Good For Acne?


Written by Elite HRT on February 24, 2022

Medically reviewed by

Camille Freking, Regulatory Affairs Specialist, MEDICAL ADVISOR

The old adage is true: you are what you eat. The foods you eat and the nutrients you consume will play a significant role in determining the way your body looks, feels, and works. 

It’s obvious that certain foods are better for us than others. Most everyone knows that choosing a salad over a cupcake is a wiser decision. What most people don’t realize is the way their diet can affect their skin health, too.

If you’ve heard of taking vitamin B for acne, you probably think it sounds too good to be true. It isn’t. 

B vitamins play a wealth of important roles in your health, wellness, and appearance. Here’s what vitamin B can do to transform your skin and minimize breakouts when used in conjunction with a proper skincare routine.

What Causes Acne?

Acne can develop for many different reasons, all of which are partially remedied by better skincare and the intake of the vitamins and minerals your skin needs to keep itself healthy.


Teenagers and young adults can often attribute acne to the fluctuation of their hormones. Both growing girls and boys will have higher levels of testosterone, which may contribute to breakouts. 

The hormonal aspect of acne usually resolves on its own, but proper skincare is necessary to help the skin heal.

Additionally, any hormone fluctuations as an adult can also cause acne — some women may find they break out more during their monthly cycles, and some men will experience acne if they’re affected by stress hormones. 

Oily Skin

The skin creates its own protective barrier of a substance called sebum. A small amount of sebum is necessary to shield the skin. If the skin makes an excessive amount of sebum, the surface can become oily. This oil can clog pores, leading to breakouts. 

Bacteria on the Skin

Your skin is covered in bacteria all the time. Although this sounds alarming, it’s perfectly normal. Your skin has plenty of beneficial bacteria (like probiotics) that it needs to stay healthy. The good bacteria ward off the bad bacteria, creating the perfect balance. When the bad bacteria overpower the good bacteria, this can lead to skin conditions like acne.


Small pimples you may not have otherwise noticed can become inflamed. When the body senses something is wrong, it sends inflammatory markers to the site of the problem in an effort to assist with the healing process. This can lead to breakouts becoming noticeably red or inflamed, contributing to their perceived severity.

How Can You Prevent Acne?

It’s better to prevent acne than it is to treat acne. Acne is damaging to the skin. If you try your best to ward off potential breakouts before they occur, your skin will always remain in better condition. 

The best way to prevent acne is to utilize a skincare routine geared towards your skin type and take care of your skin at least once a day. 

You should also be eating foods rich in the vitamins and minerals your skin needs to maintain optimal health. These vitamins and minerals are often referred to as nutraceuticals.

If you have recurring issues with acne or very severe acne, consider being under the care of a dermatologist. Always follow your dermatologist’s guidance to the letter.

How To Start an Anti-Acne Skincare Routine

Your skin is the largest organ of your body, and it faces a monumental task every day. It’s function is to protect everything within your body from exposure to the elements and pollutants. Your skin is tough, and it needs to be. 

The damage it endures and bacteria it collects need to be mitigated in order to maintain its health. You need to be protecting your skin from the sun, keeping it clean, protecting and restoring its moisture barrier, and supplying it with nutrients — best-case scenario, this is a morning routine and a night routine. If you only manage to do it once a day, we recommend night. 

Wash Your Face

The best way to remove acne-causing bacteria from your skin is to wash your face. Use a mild, fragrance-free cleanser without sulfates. Cleansers that lather and cleansers that contain artificial fragrances can irritate and strip the skin more than necessary.

Apply a Skincare Serum

Serums are highly concentrated topical products that deliver nourishment directly to your skin by penetrating its surface. Many people with acne-prone skin enjoy vitamin B-infused serums, as well as vitamin C-infused serums. Apply a few drops all over your skin and let it sink in.


Your moisturizer acts as a shield. It creates a barrier over your serum, locking it into your skin so it can continue to deliver its benefits. Moisturizer protects your skin from free radicals and air pollution that can cause it damage.

If you’re going to be leaving the house at all during the daytime, you need to apply a sunscreen rated at least SPF 30. This should be the last thing you do before you leave the house. If it’s nighttime, this step isn’t necessary. 

What Is a Nutraceutical? 

A nutraceutical is a vitamin, mineral, or naturally-occurring compound, usually found in food, that can deliver physiological benefits. 

All vitamins and minerals are necessary for healthy function of the body, but nutraceuticals are special. They provide more benefits beyond ordinary nutrition. 

Certain B vitamins, for example, are nutraceuticals that work to promote skin health from the inside out.

When your body routinely gets an adequate amount of certain B vitamins, results will slowly begin to show in the form of acne reduction and more youthful-looking skin.

What Do B Vitamins Do for the Skin?

Each B vitamin fulfills a different role in skin health, as well as the function of other processes within your body. Here’s a breakdown of a few. 

Vitamin B3

Vitamin B3, also known as niacin or niacinamide in skin products, is crucial for maintaining healthy skin. Niacin works to protect skin cells and prolong their health, allowing them to function optimally for longer. The body uses niacin to create more elastin, which supports your skin’s elasticity. Niacin is great for healing the skin, and people with acne benefit significantly from improved healing. 

Vitamin B5

Vitamin B5 is called pantothenic acid. Pantothenic acid helps to draw moisture to cells, which can restore your skin’s optimal moisture balance. Vitamin B5 is in high demand throughout the body, and the body is mainly focused on using this vitamin to create hormones. If you aren’t getting sufficient vitamin B5, it’s likely that your skin will become too oily when the body releases extra sebum in an attempt to protect the skin.

Vitamin B7

Vitamin B7 is also known as biotin, and biotin is touted as the star ingredient of almost every hair, skin, and nail product. Your body uses biotin to help your skin stay clear and healthy, making it an obvious choice for acne defense. 

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 plays a role in the way your body produces and uses its naturally occurring pigments. It may help with dark spots and hyperpigmentation, two conditions that people with acne often experience.

Using Nutraceutical Therapy for Acne and Overall Health

Nutraceutical therapy is the process of introducing nutraceuticals to the body. A combination of B vitamins can be used to help improve the health and appearance of your skin, as well as promote the growth of healthy new red blood cells, support the metabolism, and improve mental focus

Nutraceutical therapy is a multifaceted solution to holistically improve your wellness. If you’re interested in the benefits of nutraceutical vitamin B therapy for acne, contact us to get started

You’re just a few clicks away from getting on the path to clearer skin!


Acne – Symptoms and causes | Mayo Clinic

5.3B: Sebaceous (Oil) Glands | Medicine LibreTexts

Ask the Expert: Does a High SPF Protect My Skin Better? | Skin Cancer Foundation