What is Hormone Type 6?


Written by Elite HRT on March 19, 2021

Medically reviewed by

Camille Freking, Regulatory Affairs Specialist, MEDICAL ADVISOR

Hormone types are not a familiar topic to many, but they can actually help to describe different hormonal and metabolic balances that different women have. Hormone types belong to the Metabolic Renewal program created by the integrative physician Dr. Jade Teta. 

This article will discuss the background of Metabolic Renewal so you can know the background of the hormone types and why they matter. We will then dive deeper into hormone type 6, the science behind it, the struggles that a hormone type 6 woman faces, and finally, the four key recommendations for these women to achieve weight loss and health. 

What is Metabolic Renewal?

Metabolic Renewal is a weight loss program that takes a holistic approach. It is all about integrating the mind, body, and spirit to create long lasting outcomes. It also is created just for women so that it can be tailored towards their mindset, hormones, body composition, and natural cycles. Dr. Teta also recognized that not all women are alike so he created the hormone types to describe 7 different metabolic and hormonal patterns that apply to most women. For each hormone type he acknowledges their struggles and offers 4 key recommendations to address them. 

The 4 recommendations are in line with his “4 M” Foundation. The foundation focuses on mindset, movement, meals, and metabolics. Each of these 4 factors influences weight loss and overall health and they are intertwined when it comes to success. By offering specific recommendations in each of the 4 foundations for each hormone type the women can feel confident that they are getting something that was made just for them. 

Hormone Type 6

Hormone type 6 is also known as the ovarian fatigue type. Ovarian fatigue is referring to the slow down of the ovaries in producing the hormones estrogen and progesterone. These hormones are responsible for controlling the menstrual cycle, other reproductive functions, bone health, and other bodily functions. 

As the hormones begin to reduce in amount this is when a woman begins early menopause. Women in early menopause face special challenges that come with a changing body both inside and out. This is another time of change in their life that must be learned to be adapted to. 

The Biggest Struggles

The biggest struggles in this phase are related to the reduction of estrogen and progesterone. It causes a massive slow down of the metabolism which can cause weight gain and other unwanted symptoms. The lack of hormones also causes brain fog, feelings of depression, reduced motivation, a shift of the body fat to the abdomen, and the ever so annoying hot flashes, mood swings, and night sweats. These are all frustrating changes that almost every woman has to endure with aging, but there are things that can help to make it a little more bearable. Even though it may seem like there are only negatives to this time in their life, there are actually unique strengths that this hormone type can use to their advantage. 

The Science Behind It

So what exactly is happening with your hormones and why does it cause this change in the body and brain? Menopause is when there is no longer a menstrual period for at least one year. The average age of menopause is 51 in the United States, so that can act as another guide as to if you think you may be hormone type 6. 

Before menopause the hormones estrogen and progesterone are naturally changing up and down throughout the menstrual cycle. But as you enter the period right before menopause, called pre-menopause, progesterone production drastically decreases and estrogen production begins to slow down gradually as well.

At the point in hormone type 6, estrogen and progesterone have reduced to extremely low levels resulting in the unwanted symptoms of menopause. This leaves you more susceptible to stress, disease, and changes in mental balance. 

So now that you understand what hormone type 6 is, we can start talking about the recommendations for this type


The first category for this recommendation is mindset. Mindset is the base for all of the 4 Ms. It is talking about how to reduce stress from your life. Stress impacts women differently as they are more naturally intuitive to the world around them than men. When stress levels are high the hormone cortisol is released which plays a role in blood sugar, metabolism, appetite, and weight gain. 

For the mindset of ovarian failure it is extremely important to reduce stress. With adjusting to new hormone levels the stress levels are already higher so adding any additional stress could be detrimental. The custom recommendation is to reduce the stress through getting quality sleep. This helps your body to reboot and reset more regularly and keep up with the demands of the day. 

One great way to do this is by including a nap somewhere throughout your day. Consider napping between the hours of 12 pm and 4pm to get the best rest without ruining your night’s sleep. 


Movement is the next M in the foundation and emphasizes regular movement instead of only focusing on exercise. Your body burns a ton of energy from simply maintaining your body’s regular functions and digesting food, but simply moving around burns a lot of calories too. 

Moving positions in your seat, typing, walking from room to room, and even, playing with your family or pets burn more calories than you could even know. Implementing any sort of movement into the day is the key to success. 

For hormone type 6 the best way to optimize movement is to walk for one hour each day. But don’t worry, this is not a speed race, it simply needs to be a nice leisurely stroll. Consider taking your dog on a walk or catching up with some friends while getting some fresh air. You could even make it easier by taking a 30 minute walk in the morning and one after dinner. 


Meals or eating right is the third M of the foundation. These meals are not about restriction or sticking to the plan. Instead it helps you to listen to your body, know your body’s natural cycles, and get long lasting results and healthy habits. 

While you might have been deaf to it for a while, believe it or not, you know exactly what your body needs. If you listen to your body’s cues you can learn how to give it exactly what it wants and needs. 

For a hormone type 6 the key is learning how to eat a healthy balance of carbs. Your body is not able to handle carbohydrates the way it was in the past. However, this does not mean that you should never eat carbs again. This only means that you should find a healthy balance of carbs without having to cut them out of your life. To do this you can focus your carb consumption in the morning and at night, while avoiding high carbs in the middle of the day. 


The last M is metabolics, which means exercise. Even though movement is important exercise should also be incorporated into your routine. Although, what is coming next is probably not what you are expecting to hear. For this program you only need to exercise 3 times a week for 15 minutes. Instead of overworking your body and pushing it to the limit, you can exercise smarter to get all of the benefits without the time commitment. 

For women with ovarian fatigue you are already going through enough stress so it is important to give yourself some grace. The importance here is to take breaks throughout your workout when you need them. Resting up allows you to give 100 percent during the times you are working out. So instead of only getting 50 percent of a good workout you can take full advantage of the time you have. 

Can Hormone Replacement Therapy Help?

Metabolic Renewal can be helpful to women in the menopause phase but are there other things to help with these symptoms? 

Hormone replacement therapy has been used in menopausal women who are experiencing frustrating symptoms that are interrupting their quality of life. Estrogen hormones are given with various options of application. This can help to increase estrogen levels and reduce symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings. Hormone replacement therapy is helpful to many women, but you should always work with your healthcare provider to determine if it is right for you. 


Hormone type 6, or ovarian fatigue, describes women in early menopause whose estrogen and progesterone have decreased to low levels.

Implementing the Metabolic Renewal system of mindset, movement, meals, and metabolics could be helpful in addressing the symptoms related to menopause. Estrogen replacement therapy is another option for addressing these symptoms. 

If you are interested in hormone replacement therapy Elite HRT may be able to help!


Hormone therapy: Is it right for you? – Mayo Clinic 

How It Works – Metabolic Renewal 

Info – Metabolic Renewal