When Is the Best Time To Take HGH For Fat Loss?


Written by Elite HRT on December 05, 2021

Medically reviewed by

Camille Freking, Regulatory Affairs Specialist, MEDICAL ADVISOR

If you’re carrying around some “love handles,” human growth hormone deficiency may be to blame. Fortunately, you don’t have to resign yourself to carrying the spare tire for the rest of your life. 

Human growth hormone (HGH) therapy can help adults with growth hormone deficiency boost metabolism, build muscle gains, lose weight, and burn belly fat. HGH replacement therapy for weight loss should only be prescribed to and used by adults who have been diagnosed with growth hormone deficiency (GHD) by a licensed healthcare professional. 

Read on to learn more about how HGH can help you burn fat and lose weight. 

Does GH Deficiency Cause Obesity?

If you’ve noticed you’re carrying around love handles or belly fat as you get older, you’re not alone. And chances are, your diet and activity levels may not be to blame. 

As we get older (after about 30 years old), our body’s natural growth hormone production begins to decline. HGH levels decline gradually each year, which is why you notice more people who are middle-aged carrying extra weight, even if they are athletes who eat a healthy diet and get moderate levels of exercise. 

There is irrefutable evidence that growth hormone deficiency can cause an increase in body fat along with other symptoms, such as fatigue, decrease in muscle mass, difficulty with muscle growth, decreased libido, and more. 

Of particular concern, low growth hormone levels can cause an accumulation of fat around the abdomen and internal organs. This is a health concern and must be addressed, as abdominal fat and obesity increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, metabolic diseases, and an increased risk of developing certain cancers. 

How Long Does It Take HGH to Burn Fat?

HGH starts burning fat almost immediately after beginning HGH supplements. You may begin to notice a significant reduction in abdominal fat in as little as 6 weeks after starting the injections. Most people can expect to see results within 3-6 months. By month 6, you may notice about a 5-10% reduction in your body fat and an approximate 10% increase in lean muscle mass. 

That said, the rate of fat loss you experience will depend on how deficient your levels of HGH were before you began treatment. Other factors play a role in how quickly you lose fat too, such as your diet, level of physical activity, and the dosage of HGH you are taking.

  • Exercise. While HGH can work well enough on its own, it’s important that you add exercise to your daily routine and eat fewer calories to manage your weight and see results more quickly. Aerobic exercise, bodybuilding, and weight training can help you burn more energy/calories and help the HGH do its job more efficiently. 
  • Calorie restriction. Research shows that when paired with caloric restriction (eating fewer calories each day), HGH can help individuals lose 1.6 times more visceral fat/ extra weight than a person would without HGH therapy. Aim to eat a nutritious diet of whole, fresh foods, such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. This can help you sustain a caloric deficit and lose weight faster. 
  • Dosage. While a higher dosage tends to expedite the effects, it also increases the risk for adverse side effects, such as water retention. Your doctor will work with you to decide which HGH dosage is best for you. Follow your doctor’s orders on how much HGH to take each day for weight loss.

When Is the Best Time of Day To Take HGH?

There is some debate as to when is the best time of day to take HGH: morning or night? 

Some experts suggest taking HGH right before bed. Natural growth hormone levels reach their peak when insulin levels are at their lowest — while you sleep. The body naturally releases HGH throughout the night. 

Taking HGH before you go to sleep allows for pulses of both supplemental and natural HGH to work in tandem. If you are deficient in HGH, studies show that HGH injections are ideally administered in the evening.

Others recommend taking HGH in the early morning after the natural production of HGH in the body has worn off. This may provide you with a consistent level of HGH throughout the day and night. However, if you’re deficient in HGH, you may have an insufficient release of HGH in the night. 

Research has yet to demonstrate which time is more effective than the other when it comes to weight loss. Ultimately, when you take your HGH doses depends on the advice of your doctor. Follow all instructions carefully regarding dosage and timing of your injections. 

Does HGH Burn Belly Fat?

In a word: yes. HGH helps burn belly fat. As we enter middle age, our proportion of fat to body weight increases. The increased fat is commonly found around the midsection (abdomen). Visceral fat is fat that lies deep within the abdomen, surrounding vital organs.

Abdominal fat/visceral fat is linked to an increased risk of developing diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and certain types of cancer. Anyone trying to lose fat around their abdomen knows — this fat is stubborn and difficult to get rid of. 

If you’re deficient in growth hormone, all of the crunches and eating healthy in the world will likely not melt away stubborn belly fat. That’s where HGH can be helpful. 

Several studies have shown that HGH is effective at reducing body fat, particularly abdominal fat, in both men and women. HGH promotes the production of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) in the liver. IGF-1 works on the same receptors as insulin on the surface of the body’s cells, and it can help transport glucose into the cells for energy. 

As a result, IGF-1 can help build muscle mass, which may displace and redistribute fat. 

Does HGH Make You Hungry?

Some people may feel more hungry than usual when taking HGH injections. But it isn’t the HGH itself that is the cause of increased hunger. 

Human growth hormone has a relationship with another hormone, called ghrelin. Nicknamed the “hunger hormone,” ghrelin stimulates the secretion of HGH. HGH may increase the amount of ghrelin the body produces, which may stimulate appetite. 

In this way, it may seem like the HGH therapy itself is causing you to feel hungrier than usual but it’s likely due to the injections promoting the release of other chemicals in the body that increase your appetite. 

If you find your HGH therapeutic medication is making you too hungry and leading to weight gain, talk to your doctor. They may readjust your dosage to reduce your appetite to a more comfortable level. 

What Should I Eat While Taking HGH?

When taking HGH, it’s important to eat a balanced diet with lots of nutrient-rich foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. 

Avoid processed foods and foods with added sugars. Reduce the amount of soda, juice, and alcohol you drink and replace these beverages with water. If you need a little flavoring or carbonation with your drink, sparkling water comes in different flavors and is a healthy alternative to soda.

Staying well hydrated will help you prevent fluid retention. While it may seem counterintuitive that drinking water will prevent fluid retention and bloating, it’s true! Not only does staying hydrated improve kidney function, but it also helps flush out toxins from the body more quickly. 

Certain foods have been linked to an increase in the natural secretion of human growth hormone. Foods that stimulate HGH production tend to be rich in melatonin, which helps you get a good night’s sleep. The more you sleep, the more opportunities your body has to produce and release HGH. 

These foods include: 

  • Eggs
  • Fish
  • Grapes
  • Mustard seeds
  • Nuts
  • Peppers
  • Pomegranate
  • Raspberries
  • Tomatoes

Is It Safe to Take HGH To Burn Fat?

HGH is generally safe to use when under the watchful eye of a qualified doctor, such as an endocrinologist, and you take it exactly as prescribed. 

HGH can cause some side effects, however, including: 

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome 
  • Joint or muscle pain
  • Fluid retention
  • Gynecomastia (enlargement of breast tissue in men) 
  • Increased insulin resistance 
  • Increased risk of certain cancers 
  • High blood sugar levels

Talk to your doctor if you are experiencing side effects from taking HGH, particularly if they are interfering with your day-to-day life and health or worsening over time. 


Ready to lose stubborn body fat? If you suspect you are carrying extra weight due to growth hormone deficiency, contact us today. We will review your medical history, do blood work, and give you a physical examination to provide you with a personalized hormone replacement therapy program tailored to your specific needs. 

If you’re ready to lose weight, boost your energy levels, and improve your overall vitality, fill out our online medical form to find out if HGH therapy is right for you. 


Low-dose growth hormone treatment with diet restriction accelerates body fat loss, exerts anabolic effect and improves growth hormone secretory dysfunction in obese adults | National Library of Medicine

Evening versus morning injections of growth hormone (GH) in GH-deficient patients: effects on 24-hour patterns of circulating hormones and metabolites | National Library of Medicine

GH administration decreases subcutaneous abdominal adipocyte size in men with abdominal obesity | NCBI 

Effects of growth hormone in women with abdominal adiposity: a 6-month randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial | NCBI

Dietary Sources and Bioactivities of Melatonin | NCBI

 Adult growth hormone deficiency – benefits, side effects, and risks of growth hormone replacement | Frontiers in Endocrinology